2012.02.28 From 320 students to 1001 books 180PX

From 320 students to 1001 books

28 februari 2012

2 minuten

Opinie Alexandra den Heijer - While the snow not only covered Finnish campuses – but also our Delft campus – huge groups of students filled up (and warmed up) our lecture halls and design studios. Being responsible for their 30 ECTS curriculum this semester made me focus on something else than research, lectures abroad and simple things like replying all those (voice)mail messages.

The most challenging part of the semester – 320 student playing a management game – ended today. This means I have a little more time to enjoy and distribute the second edition of the book (1000 more copies + 1, see photo), starting with sending 130 copies to the UK – for attendants of AUDE conference where I will be speaking – and 120 to universities in the Netherlands.

In the meantime I also included more ‘tour dates’ to my schedule (see TOUR). I still can’t believe how international this research has become in less than one year… I never thought I would bring the book all the way to South Korea, and in the next year I will do that… twice. However overwhelming, I am also struggling with an overload of (international) opportunities and limited time. My mailbox is exploding and I feel bad about not being able to respond to everyone personally.

Nonetheless, the busy schedule still allows time to publish. Deadlines still work for me, apparently. I will soon add a separate PUBLICATIONS menu to this blog, to split the written publications like articles in journals and magazines from the other DOWNLOADS like hand-outs of presentations. This month there will be two new publications: a book chapter in “Creative Knowledge Cities” (release February 2012, Edward Elgar Publishing – ([http://www.e-elgar.co.uk][1])) and an article in CELE Exchange (OECD Centre for Educational Learning Environments). I will upload the latter as soon as it is released.

Information Alexandra den Heijer:

Alexandra den Heijer, MSc PhD is lecturer and researcher (chair Real Estate Management) at the Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). She has a background in Architecture (BSc) and Management (MSc). Her specialisation is planning, design and management of university campuses and buildings. She focuses on generating management information for real estate decisions. In the past decade she has developed models and theories that help universities to design and implement their campus strategies and that contribute to creating knowledge cities.

Tijdens het [congres ‘Gebiedsontwikkeling Slim Vlottrekken’][2] spreekt Alexandra den Heijer samen met Caroline Giezeman, Stedenbouwkundige Gemeente Rotterdam en Roderick van Houwelingen, Commercieel manager JOIN Ontwikkeling over het Coolhavengebied - Rotterdam en hoe de stadscampus hier als motor voor ontwikkeling kan dienen.

Cover: ‘2012.02.28 From 320 students to 1001 books 180PX’

Portret - Alexandra den Heijer

Door Alexandra den Heijer

Universitair docent bij de Technische Universiteit Delft

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