2014.09.28_Introduction to Water and Climate_180

Introduction to Water and Climate

18 september 2014

2 minuten

Nieuws Water is essential for life on earth and of crucial importance for society. Also within our climate water plays a major role. The natural cycle of ocean to atmosphere, by precipitation back to earth and by rivers and aquifers to the oceans has a decisive impact on regional and global climate patterns.

The basic elements of and the relation between water and climate are highlighted and further discussed together with their mutual coherence.

The MOOC will cover six main topics:

  1. Global water cycle: In this module you will learn to explain the different processes of the global water cycle.
  2. Water systems: In this module you will learn to describe the flows of water and sand in different riverine, coastal and ocean systems.
  3. Water and climate change: In this module you will learn to identify mechanisms of climate change and you will learn to explain the interplay of climate change, sea level, clouds, rainfall and future weather.
  4. Interventions: In this module you will learn to explain why, when and which engineering interventions are needed in rivers, coast and urban environment.
  5. Water resource management: In this module you will learn to explain why water for food and water for cities are the main challenges in water management and what the possibilities and limitations of reservoirs and groundwater are to improve water availability.
  6. Challenges: In this module you will learn to explain the challenges in better understanding and adapting to the impact of climate change on water for the coming 50 years.

Every module is made by an expert, so you will learn from different professors. Although the different topics are taught by different professors the course line is clear and will be explained and connected by our anchor man. Examples in the environment will be given by Max, our reporter on location. The course consists of knowledge clips, movies, exercises, discussion and homework assignments. The course will be finished by an examination.

Learn more and register at the edX website

P.S. To register for a MOOC when working with a Windows operating system, please use internet browsers Internet Explorer 9, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

Watch the course video

Follow the duck

Would you like to know how the river Rhine develops on its way from Switzerland to the Netherlands? For the MOOC Water and Climate, Max Radermacher set out with an oversized rubber duck. Together they travelled the course of the Rhine from Switzerland to Rotterdam. Their findings will be presented to MOOC Water and Climate students during the online lecture.

Cover: ‘2014.09.28_Introduction to Water and Climate_180’

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