16 september 2013
1 minuut
Nieuws Linda Rijkenberg, an MSc student at TU Delft, left for Vietnam at the beginning of July to work on the ADB project “Urban Environment and Climate Change.” She is doing so with a grant/stipend from Haarlem Hydraulics, part of the Bloemendaal-based “de Daalse Lente” freelance collective, and with support from TU Delft.
Linda is working in particular on reviewing designs for Flood Management, River Bank Protection and coastal defences in the two cities where the project is being carried out, in this case Hoi An and Dong Hoi. Linda is also working on a mathematical hydraulic model for the Nhat Le river system (in Dong Hoi), to determine indicative water levels. Linda will be in Vietnam until the end of September and is being supervised by two Dutch experts working on the project (Theo Sturm and Peter JM Kerssens), as well as specialists from the Hanoi Water Resources University who are also involved in the project.
In the Netherlands (TU Delft) Linda is being supervised by Professor Marcel Stive and Henk-Jan Verhagen. Both the project and the people involved hope in this way to benefit from the cooperation, by being able to apply the most recent knowledge and technology from TU Delft to a current project in a “climate-sensitive” country. For Linda, the work forms part of her graduation project.
Cover: ‘2013.09.22_TU Delft student working on Urban Environment_180’