Wouter Vanstiphout: The Banality of Good

22 juli 2013

2 minuten

Nieuws Wouter Vanstiphout is an Architectural Historian, founding partner of Crimson architectural Historians in Rotterdam and Professor of Design & Politics at the Faculty of Architecture of Delft Technical University in the Netherlands.

As a practitioner with Crimson he has directed the renewal of the Dutch Industrial Satellite Town of Rotterdam: Hoogvliet and advises municipalities, the national government, housing corporations and Project Developers on matters relating to urban renewal, cultural heritage and spatial and urban politics. Recently he has been appointed to the national advisory council on Infrastructure and the environment.

He has written extensively about Post War Urbanism, urban renewal policies and projects and recently has lectures and written extensively on the relationship between urban riots and urban planning.

With his chair in Delft Wouter Vanstiphout has curated an Exhibition as part of the 5th International Architecture Biennale of Rotterdam, called Design As Politics.

He is a regular columnist at the British Architecture weekly Building Design and this fall will publish a book in the Design & Politics series at 010 Publishers, Design and Politics #6, Are We The World? 010 Publishers.

With Crimson Architectural Historians he has curated an installation as part of the 2012 Architecture Biennale of Venice, named: The Banality of Good, Six Decades of New Towns, Architects, Money & Politics.

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Cover: ‘2013.04.23_damn the masters plan_680’

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